Anna Lalor Burdick Program - The Lalor Foundation


The Anna Lalor Burdick (ALB) grant supports programs that offer sexual and reproductive health education to women. ALB is interested in programs serving women who are disadvantaged by poverty, discrimination, geographic isolation, lack of comprehensive sex education, hostile public policy, or other factors leading to inadequate sexual and reproductive health. The ALB Program is particularly interested in supporting new programs initiatives, or innovations in successful programs. Programs at new or small organizations, including those with a grassroots base, that are capable of delivering excellent services will also be considered. Programs should have a comprehensive approach to SRH education that includes unbiased information on all options including novel ideas or innovative, methods of delivering information, define clear goals and intended outcomes as well as a feasible plan to assess impact and success, be exemplars for replication if successful, and be economically sustainable.

Program Goals

The Anna Lalor Burdick Program funds initiatives that bring women information and access to reproductive health care, and contraception, in order to help broaden and enhance their options in life.


Applicants must be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code and defined as “not a private foundation” under section 509(a) of the Code.

Funding Information

Funding is provided by the Lalor Foundation. The ALB Program awards a small number of grants in the range of $10,000 to $35,000, with an average grant size between $15,000 and $25,000.Grants are awarded for one year. 



Application Deadline(s)

November 1, 2023.

Key Contacts

Lalor Foundation -