Behavioral Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program

Program Description

The Behavioral Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program has been established to pay portions of educational loans taken out by behavioral healthcare providers and nurses who serve in behavioral health facilities.

Program Goals and Impacts

The goal of the behavioral healthcare provider loan repayment program is to incentivize providers to commit to practicing in Arizona facilities for a set number of years, therefore increasing the number of providers in the state. Impacts include an increased number of behavioral health providers practicing in rural communities. 

Funding Information

Providers are eligible for a maximum of $50,000 during the first two years of service, and for subsequent years a maximum of $25,000.

Program Sustainability 

To attain sustainability capacity and program to interest healthcare workforce providers to enter the behavioral health field in rural Arizona. 

Sustainability Challenges

Challenges to sustainability may include:

Establishing recruitment programs at the facility level with an emphasis on rural delivery of behavioral health care in education and training programs. 

Key Contacts

The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS).